Answers Amp
Amplified Bible
Must answer all questions.
* Required
1. What man tied burning torches to 300 foxes tails?
A. Simeon
B. Joshua
C. Samson
D. Benjamin
E. Gideon
2. Who asked for, The head of John the Baptist.?
A. Mariamme
B. Sapphira
C. Tamar
D. Salome
E. Jezebel
3. Who was a follower of the god Baal?
A. Ahaz
B. Elah
C. Jehu
D. Ahab
E. Agag
4. What King had a man hanged?
A. Artaxerxes
B. Darius
C. Cambyses
D. Xerxes
E. Astyages
5. Which apostle is often pictured with a saw?
A. Peter
B. James
C. Thomas
D. Bartholomew
E. Simon
6. What Israelite man told his parents he wanted to marry a non-Israelite?
A. Jephthah
B. Abdon
C. Gideon
D. Samson
E. Shamgar
7. Who assassinated Eglon, the monarch of Moab?
A. Shamgar
B. Joshua
C. Gera
D. Othniel
E. Ehud
8. In front of whom does both the Sun and the Moon stand still?
A. Moses
B. Samson
C. Joshua
D. Abraham
E. David
9. How much in shekels of silver did Abraham pay for a field to bury his dead?
A. Four hundred
B. Six hundred
C. Eight hundred
D. One hundred
E. Three hundred and fifty
10. What Jewish captive was promoted to third ruler in Belshazzar's kingdom?
A. Cambyses
B. Ahaz
C. David
D. Samuel
E. Daniel
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