Answers Gwt
GOD'S Word Translation Bible
Must answer all the questions.
* Required
1. What man loved a girl so much he burst into tears after their first kiss?
A. Isaac
B. Abraham
C. Manasseh
D. Makir
E. Jacob
2. What biblical book is a classic of poetry, exceedingly fine and vivid in its description
A. Malachi
B. Amos
C. Micah
D. Nahum
E. Joel
3. God is said to have physically written thrice, each time on a different surface. On what did his writing appear at the third instance?
A. Tablet
B. Tree
C. Wall
D. Book
E. Rock
4. How many garments was the high priest Aaron to wear?
A. Four
B. Seven
C. Five
D. Eight
E. Three
5. What Jewish boy rose to a position that put his life on the line everyday?
A. Moses
B. Nehemiah
C. Josephus
D. Joshua
E. Micah
6. Who took one at birth and raised it to become a Queen, but later used it's fame to become a prostitute?
A. Edom
B. Jezebel
C. Sodom
D. Bathsheba
E. Jerusalem
7. What book of the scriptures is known as hymns?
A. Psalms
B. Chronicles
C. Lamentations
D. Zechariah
E. Song of Solomon
8. Two men in very early biblical history had the same name. What was the name
A. James
B. Lamech
C. Japheth
D. Zebedee
E. Mehujael
9. Scripture speaks of a man who heard music and it caused two things to happen to him. Where is this scripture?
A. 1 Chronicles
B. 1 Thessalonians
C. 1 Samuel
D. 1 Kings
E. 1 Corinthians
10. What was the name of the daughter of an Arab that gave birth to a great ruler?
A. Olympias
B. Chloe
C. Atia
D. Cyprus
E. Tiy
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