Answers Kjv
King James Version
Must answer all questions.
* Required
1. How many books are in the old testament?
A. Twenty seven
B. Thirty one
C. Forty two
D. Thirty nine
E. Twenty nine
2. Who rebuked Jesus?
A. John
B. Peter
C. Luke
D. James
E. Simon
3. What resource did Jesus turn to in order to resist Satan's temptations?
A. Prayer
B. Friends
C. Angels
D. Word of GOD
E. Laying on of hands
4. Who did Samuel annoint as king to replace Saul?
A. Solomon
B. Eli
C. Eleazar
D. David
E. Abijah
5. Whom did Jesus pray for that their strength would not fail them?
A. James
B. Luke
C. John
D. Simon
E. Mark
6. What man had 88 children?
A. Solomon
B. Jeroboam
C. Maakah
D. Rehoboam
E. Shelomith
7. What was the name of David's first wife?
A. Sarah
B. Jezebel
C. Abigail
D. Mikal
E. Bathsheba
8. What Bible character ate a poor widow's last meal?
A. Ishamel
B. Elijah
C. Bartimaeus
D. Baoz
E. Moses
9. Who owned dishes that were pure gold?
A. King David
B. King Uzziah
C. King Nimrod
D. King Solomon
E. King Nebuchadnezzar
10. Lapidoth’s wife was famous for what?
A. Being a singer
B. Being a writer
C. Being a chef
D. Being a judge
E. Being a nurse
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