Come with me
Do not be consumed with the problems and cares of this world. (Lk 21:34) Yea, rather be consumed with My Affairs. (Jn 4:34-38) Beloved, I grieve when you allow the cares of life to overwhelm you. (Eph 4:25-32) You must be taken up with My Affairs and be about My Business. (Lk 2:49, Mt 9:35-38)
Beloved I am coming soon and My Reward is with Me.(Rev 22:12) Ye must have your house in order. (Mt 26:41) Take time to develop your walk with Me and allow Me to change you from Glory to Glory. (2Cor 3:18) I have much for you to do and ye must be ready. (Mt 9:37:38, 2Tim 3:16-18) Who will go for Me? Whom will I send? (Is 6:8)
Will you go for Me? Will you do the work I call you to do? For My People do perish for lack of knowledge. (Hos 4:6) They have gone a whoring after the things of this world. (Judg 2:17, Hos 4:12) They commit spiritual adultery. (Jas 4:3-4) I would that you would intercede for My People. (Eph 6:18) Can you not see it?(Mt 25:35-46) Do not be callous but be caring. (Josh 1:8)Indulge yourself into My Word and prepare yourself for the Great Work ahead of you. (Titus 3:1)
Behold, I Myself will prepare you by My Spirit.(Eph 4:11-16, Zach 4:6) I will lift you up into Realms of My Glory as you give yourself over to Me.(Is 40:31) It is not a light thing I ask you to do, for I am not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance.(1Pet 3:9) Will you go for me? Will ye intercede for the lost and the wayward? (Is 59:16) Yea, sow in tears and ye shall reap in joy.(Ps 126:5-6) For I will spare you even as a father spares his own child.(Mal 3:17) So long after Me My Children,(Ps 42:1) and fulfill My Mandate for you.(Mt 6:10) For I come quickly, saith the Lord your God.(Rev 22:12)
In : Testify
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