Forgiveness and Focus....
No where in scripture does GOD say that we are forgiven more than once. Christ died on the cross one time and one time only. I have never seen anywhere that CHRIST has been crucified over and over again and again. CHRIST died once to save us and to forgive us. ONCE. That's all!
If we believe what GOD says to be true then we have to believe that CHRIST was crucified in order for us to have a way back to GOD. GOD never changes, we change. GOD never leaves us, we leave HIM. When we choose to believe that JESUS is the son of GOD and that HE came to us to teach us truth, to deliver us from ourselves and to save us from death, then we are choosing to become followers of CHRIST. We are choosing to say that GOD is our CREATOR, LORD and SAVIOR. We are choosing to have our eyes opened to a new way of life. A life of CHRIST. A life as a child of the Living GOD. A life of being FORGIVEN, FREE, GIFTED, VALUABLE, BLESSED, of having HOPE, & of having a PURPOSE. As a child of GOD, our FATHER see's us as perfect. We are perfect as children of GOD. As humans we are going to fall, fail, stumble and make mistakes. This by no means makes us any less perfect in the eyes of our FATHER. 
Let's look at Matthew 14:22--32.
Here we see that JESUS came to the disciples by walking on the water. Here we see that Peter came out of the boat and began to walk on water to JESUS. As Peter was walking to JESUS he took his eyes off of JESUS and began to sink. Here we see that Peter ask JESUS to save him. Here we see that JESUS reaches out and gives Peter a hand to lift him up. Here we see JESUS ask Peter why did you doubt?. Notice what JESUS was focused on here? HE was focused on the amount of lack of doubt that Peter had. He was touched that Peter didn't doubt it was HIM that commanded him to come. As Peter got closer to JESUS doubt over came him and he began to sink. JESUS reached out and took his hand and asked, a question. JESUS didn't punish Peter, nor did HE wait for him to ask for forgiveness but instead for HIM to ask to be saved. For there was a point that needed to be made. A point that even as we are focused on CHRIST that we are going to have doubt come about us but that we are to stay focused on JESUS not the doubt. A point that if we do focus on the doubt that JESUS will reach out and lift us up and use our doubt to teach us how to not focus on the doubt again. As children of GOD we are forgiven and being perfected.GOD uses our doubt, mistakes, sin, failures, falls, stumbles and lack of faith to teach us how to be perfect in CHRIST. GOD knows we are going to doubt and uses our doubt in perfecting us. Once JESUS has saved us and forgive us then it is done at that point. All our doubt, failures, falls, sins, mistakes, stumbles, and lack of faith are forgiven for ever. Are gone as far away as the west is from the east. GONE. From this point on everything we do is used by GOD to our perfection. In CHRIST we become saints and as saints everything is used to our perfecting. Everything GOD has created and made is perfect in it's own way in HIS eyes. Therefore as saints and children of GOD we are being perfected by the will of GOD.
If one chooses to focus on the fact that because one is human that one is going to doubt, fail, fall, stumble and have lack faith then one is going to doubt, fail, fall, stumble and have lack faith. We need to change our focus and focus on what we can learn from what has happened and use it to gain the perfection that GOD has created us to be.
I pray that those who choose to focus on doubt, failures, falls, stumbles and lack of faith may come to JESUS as ask to be saved. To choose to become a child of a LIVING GOD and allow HIM to perfect them with HIS mercy, grace and love.
I pray that we who are children of GOD ask JESUS to reveal what is causing our doubt and teach us how to face it and use it to our perfecting. I pray that we become more focused on CHRIST and follow HIM with eyes wide open. 
I thank you FATHER GOD. I give you all the praise and glory for you are so worthy. I ask this and give thanks in the name of JESUS CHRIST. AMEN!